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1 Translation result for ring up in Spanish


ring up verb

unfavorite favorite
(figurado) llamar (a alguien); (informal) marcar (precios)
word of the day image
Cashier ringing up purchases in a supermarket

Example sentences of
ring up verb

  • our friend rang us up to see if we wanted to go to a cricket match
  • touted the many diplomatic triumphs that the president supposedly rang up in his first term

ring noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
anillo, sortija; aro; círculo; arena, ruedo; banda (de ladrones, etc.); timbre, sonido; llamada (por teléfono)

Example sentences of
ring noun

  • He gave her an engagement ring.
  • Wedding rings can be extremely expensive depending on the metal they are made of.
  • The telephone's ring is loud.

Synonyms of
ring noun

Reverse translation for ring up

 (figurado) llamar (a alguien)
 (informal) marcar (precios)